Sanna & Lava

Instagram: @Lava.and.Sannas.Catventures

Instagram: @Lava.and.Sannas.Catventures

Loë’s mum, Pauline, told us all about Loë, Sanna & Lava.

Loë came into my life when my cat, Mila, got hit by a car when roaming free just outside our house. She was euthanized due to her injuries.

I was so sad over losing Mila that I needed a new cat immediately.

But the rescue shelter didn't have any kittens at this time, and I struggled to find someone with kittens that were old enough to move from their cat mum.

Eventually, I found a family 3 hours away from where I live that had one kitten left in the litter, an all black kitten.

I went to pick the kitten up straight after I got off from work that day, and that is how Loë ended up being my best friend and new family member.

Sanna entered my life just before Christmas 2016. She was adopted from the local shelter after I went there to buy some Christmas presents for my family.

I saw Sanna in one of the rooms with several other kittens and cats and I just couldn't let her spend her first Christmas in the shelter.

About a week later I went back to pick her up and she spent her first Christmas in her life with us.

Lava entered my life after Loë sadly passed away in 2020 due to renal failure at an age of 4 years.

Lava was found as a 4-5 week old kitten with her siblings in the forest beside a hiking trail and was taken to the shelter.

When I went there to pick her up it was actually very close that one of her littermates was the one to move in with us. I wanted a female since Loë was a female, but the tricky part was that all the kittens were black so it was hard to tell them apart.

I and the lady at the shelter tried to see which one of the five kittens was a female. We thought we found one, so we picked that one up and left the room where they all were, but when we opened the door another one of the kittens escaped and followed us to the kitchen where we were going to sign the adoption papers.

When all the papers were signed we had another look just to make sure the chosen kitten really was a female before I put her in the carrier.

That's when we realized it was a male! What a surprise.

We then had a look at the other kitten, the one that escaped from the living room. That one turned out to be a female, so that was the one that eventually ended up in the carrier and got to move in with us.

And that was Lava!

What would Sanna & Lava say is their personality?

Lava is the kindest, most playful little cat.

Sanna is a determined lady with a lot of "tortietude", but under all the attitude she is a very sweet cat.

If Sanna & Lava could speak, what would be the most common thing they would say?

Sanna: Can you turn on the tap for me, I'm thirsty!

Lava: Can you throw the mouse for me again, I want to play more fetch!

What has Sanna & Lava achieved that has made you the proudest?

Sanna: How well she uses her backpack as a safe space when we're out and about, and how brave she has become the past year.

Lava: How quickly she has adapted to the catexploring life - wearing a harness, having clothes on, riding in the car, walks, skii adventures. And how positive and curious she is towards everything.

You can keep up with Sanna & Lava on Instagram @lava.and.sannas.catventures

Sanna & Lava are Platinum Purr Squad Members. Find out how you can be one too here.

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