Catexplorer Podcast
A podcast for owners who explore the world with their cats by walking them on a leash, biking while their cat rides in their backpacks, eating brunch with their cat at the local café & even travelling in a kayak with their cat. We chat to catexplorers and experts about the tips & tricks you can use, their war stories, the lessons they’ve learnt and about the funny moments they have along the way.
Catexplorer Podcast episodes & shownotes

Many of us have a social media profile for our cats. Be it on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Reddit, Twitter – anywhere really.
Tori is the brains behind Wear Wag Repeat. She’s a pro when it comes to pets, blogging and social media and even podcasting.
In this chat, Tori shares all about what social media to use, how to grow your accounts, how to get sponsored deals and so much more.
Katrina is mum to Luna (@luna_misty_blue) a Russian Blue kitty who goes catexploring in the paradise that is Bermuda.
We chat about how Katrina imported Luna into Bermuda from the UK, how Luna reacts to strangers while catexploring, travelling in the car, doing watersports with your cat and more!
Leili & Kevin are the founders of Supakit, but in a previous life worked in the wonderful world of videography – giving them the perfect insight into sharing how we can improve the videos we take of our cats while catexploring!
This is Part 2 of our chat with Leili and Kevin
They share how to take videos of your cat with your phone, how to keep your cat in focus while filming them and how to edit videos of your cat and what software to use.
Leili & Kevin are the founders of Supakit, but in a previous life worked in the wonderful world of videography – giving them the perfect insight into sharing how we can improve the videos we take of our cats while catexploring!
They share how to take an interesting video of your cat and how to create a story with that video. We also chat about when to use a video or a photograph to capture a moment, what to do when your cat runs out of the video and how to avoid taking shaky videos.
Hear all about the world of cat agility. Yep, it is not only dogs that run through tunnels, weave through poles & jump through hoops. Cats can do it too.
Tamara & Linus love doing cat agility. They share how you too can get started, and share some great tips about how to get started.
A catexploring coaching call with Eunice and Meep.
Meep is a relatively new catexplorer, who lives in an apartment and started catexploring in an urban area. Not only do we learn about Meep, we also share ideas on harness training, how to start catexploring if you live in an apartment, what to do on those bad days of catexploring and so much more.
Emily & Maggie are mums to 2 cats, Ziggy & Charlie. Before Ziggy & Charlie came into their lives, they were also mums to Beverly. We chat about losing Beverly, commemorating her life, what they learned from Beverly, how they apply that to Ziggy & Charlie and how they recover from scary experiences while catexploring.
Krista is mum to 2 blind catexplorers, Kira & Kahlil. Both were born in Cyprus and she flew with them to their home in Finland. We chat about that process, the realities of living with 2 blind cats and catexploring with them.
Zafrina is mum to 2 cats – Kitty Mojito & Lynx. Kitty Mojito was adopted as a kitten while Lynx was 12 years old when he was adopted. We chat about adopted senior cats, the differences in training a catexplorer who is older, canoeing with cats, helping your cat get used to crowds and so much more.
Gabrielle is mum to Munchkin, the cat & Cowboy, the dog. Munchkin is a catexplorer who goes kayaking, is a pro at doing tricks in front of a live audience & also donates blood for cats in need.
JoAnn is mum to Ava, the cat & Patch, the dog. She is also a person of colour. We chat about introducing a cat and a dog, catexploring with them, the realities of catexploring as a person of colour, reacting to the comments you receive and redefining what normal means.
Dylan is a kitty who goes catexploring with her dog brother, Ronan. We chat to their mum, Neen, about introducing them and creating a happy relationship between a cat and dog. We also dive into catexploring with both a cat and dog, particularly when you are camping, hiking, canoeing and even vanning.
Wondered how to hold your cat in a way that doesn’t freak them out? Or why our cats appear stressed when we scruff them? Or what behaviours you should train your cat (and how) for catexploring?
Tabitha Kucera is an Elite Fear Free and Low Stress Handling Certified Registered Veterinary Technician. She is the owner of Chirrups and Chatter Cat and Dog Behaviour Consulting and Training in Cleveland, Ohio.
Tabitha shares all about fear free handling methods that you can use. Why we shouldn’t scruff our cats – and how we should restrain them. We also dive into how to train your cat to come when catexploring and even how to get them out of a sticky situation while you are out and about together.
Gibson is a catexplorer who explores the urban jungle that is Toronto. On top of that, Gibson is such a pro with clicker training. We spoke to his mum, Sarah, all about training Gibson, catexploring in urban areas, using public transport & clicker training.
Fisher is a mainecoon cat who loves being on water. He spends his time on boats, tubes, stand up paddleboards and with his humans, Lorraine & Finn. We asked Lorraine & Finn about how they trained Fisher to be comfortable on the water, how they take him on the boat and how they developed trust between themselves and Fisher.
Dr Kristyn Vitale is a researcher & educator in Animal Behavior, welfare & human-animal interaction. Kristyn has done some fascinating research looking at social behaviour between cats, the cat-human bond and so much more. We chat all about socialising your cat, what to do if you missed socialising them when they were kittens, how to manage separation anxiety, how to find what motivates your cat & the mistakes people make when fixing bad behaviours with their cats.
Ruffy is a tripod kitty who also has diabetes. But he doesn’t let this slow him down. He loves hanging out at breweries with his humans, Jeanette and Chris. Jeanette & Chris share what it is like catexploring with a tripod kitty, managing Ruffy’s diabetes and how they go catexporing at breweries.
Most of the time, Yuki goes catexploring with her Bengal cat, Eubie. But she also has 2 other cats, Tomoya & Hajime. And usually, she is fostering a few cats too. Yuki shares about her catexploring journey, the importance of looking after our cats’ dental health (and how), fostering cats, keeping cats entertained & about cat food.
Mac is a cat who has done so much catexploring already. Her humans, Geraldine & Patrick share how they trained Mac. The challenges they have had with camping and how they camp with Mac now. And how they fly on a plan with her. We also dive into how to start catexploring with your cat.
Dr Mikel Maria Delgado, is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist. Dr Mikel’s research focuses on behaviour of cats in multi-cat households and the development of neonatal kittens. She has worked with cats for over 20 years and co-authored the book “Total Cat Mojo” with Jackson Galaxy. Dr Mikel shares how to read your cat’s body language, what to do if your cat is meowing at the door, managing aggression in cats and so much more.
Bodhi is an advanced catexplorer, who hikes, cycles, skis and relaxes on the water of the Candian Rockies. His mum, Michelle, shares how she trained Bodhi, the challenges they faced and how they overcame them.
The Catexplorer team shares a few ideas on how you can keep catexploring while social isolating. We also share a few ideas on how to keep your kitties happy during this time. And hear what has been happening behind the scenes at Catexplorer. And we have an announcement!
Zeddie has appeared in multiple commercials and TV shows, including American Gods. Her mum, Kristin shares what it takes to be a commercial and TV cat and what it really means to work on a set with your cat. We learn how to keep your kitty focused and the challenges you face.
We ask Dr Evan Shaw your questions about cat health. Should we be feeding our cats more when we go catexploring? What about raw food? What about keeping your young kitten from attacking your older cat? Red flags we should keep an eye on our cats. We dive into flea and tick prevention in our cats. And so much more.
Amun & Johnny are 2 cats who wear diapers AND they go catexploring. They really don’t let their special needs hold them back. We hear about the realities of looking after special needs cats, how to travel with them and so much more.
Stacy Lebaron is the host of the Community Cats Podcast. We learn all about what community cats are, how we can help them and the support available to help community cats.
Jackson Galaxy (aka The Cat Daddy) is the host of My Cat from Hell, a 2 times New York bestselling author and an all-round advocate for cats. He shares his thoughts on the fundamentals of training our cats, exploring with them and the impact of seeing cats through dog coloured glasses.
Nina is a blind cat who approaches each day with so much joy. She goes catexploring at the markets and in the forest. We ask her mum, Julia, about how to train a blind cat, How to adapt your home for a blind cat. We also learn about fostering neonatal & differently abled cats
Maverick is a cat who loves RVing with his mum, Barbara. Hear about how Barbara has made their camper home cat friendly, how they choose cat friendly locations and the realities of traveling on a home on wheels with your cat.
Simon is a super adventurous kitty. He goes backpacking, hiking, white water rafting, biking and more with his cat dad JJ. Hear how Simon was trained, the amazing things he does and so much more.
Season 5 of the Catexplorer Podcast will be launching on the 17th February 2020.
Make sure you have subscribed and are ready to listen along.
Happy new year!
We’re jumping in your ears with an update about what Catexplorer is doing to help the Australian Bushfire relief, what we have planned for 2020 and to learn some Aussie slang that we accidentally use on this podcast.
We don’t want to think about our cats getting injured, but the reality is that they are like athletes. We chat to Dr Matt Breeds from Animal Rehab Klinik to understand how to prevent our cats from getting injured. We also dive into the different non-surgical rehab treatment methods that are available for our cats.
Majority of the interactions we have about catexploring are positive. People are happy to see us, they’re curious about how to train their cat & sometimes they’re just so excited to see a cat out and about. But there are those not so great moments. Like when we encounter an off leash dog whose owner may not be keen to leash their dog, or someone says a snide comment to us or when people don’t listen to our wishes when interacting with our cat while we’re out and about. On this episode we chat about all those not so great scenarios and what to say when they happen.
Yoda is a cat who has travelled to more than 6 countries. We asked his parents how they travelled with him, planned it all and even what to think about when your cat is travelling in the cargo and the cabin on a plane. We also chat about how to be cat parents in an environmentally friendly manner.
Gary is a cat who adventures through the Candian Rockies, from hiking through snow to relaxing in a kayak to posing with helicopters. On top of that, he also has part of a hip missing. Funnily enough, his dog brother Duke has the same condition. We learn how they go exploring together.
We chat about how Jack became a hiking kitty & the training involved. We also dive into fostering cats, why it’s important and how we can do it too.
Emmylou is a cat who is a natural on the water, be it in a raft, in a kayak and even a stand up paddleboard. Her mum Annie, shares just how Emmylou learned to go on the water as well as how she goes catexploring with her dog siblings. We also dive into how to enrich your cat’s life while they are indoors.
Ever wondered how to train your cat is they aren’t motivated by treats? Or whether you can train your older cat? Or what to do about kitty litter while you are out & about with your cat? Or perhaps, you’re wondering how to start catexploring.
We chat with Julie from Cat School and answer the most common questions we get asked about catexploring and training cats.
Tora travels across the US with her 2 humans, in a truck! Hear how Tora was trained to travel in the truck and go catexploring and what it really is like to go trucking with a cat.
Season 4 of the Catexplorer Podcast will be launching on the 4th November 2019.
Adventurous catexplorers are very active. They go hiking, kayaking and so much more. But when they injure themselves, how do we treat them? That’s exactly what Wiley’s mums faced when she hurt her leg from a fall at home. Wiley went through physical therapy and has come out the other side, and is back to hiking, camping & being a pro catexplorer.
To celebrate Catexplorer’s 1st Birthday, Hasara & Daniel answer your questions about Catexplorer, share the inspiration behind Catexplorer, their experiences with catexploring and a little about themselves and their cats, Lumos & Noxie.
Nathan the beach cat needs no introduction. She & her sister Winnie are known worldwide as cats who love going to the beach. We chat about how they started swimming, finding a beach to go catexploring at, hiking with cats and the types of adventures they would love to try in the future.
Find out how to find cat friendly places to take your cat as well as accommodation with Carla from Pet Friendly Australia.
Hear how Leon the cat goes hiking, camping, SUping and how he learned to do it all. We also chat about Leon’s amazing DIY catio.
Learn all about how to look after your cat’s dental & skin health. Learn how to prevent fleas and ticks, treat feline acne, allergies, gingivitis, snake bites, what you should include in your first aid kit for your kitty and even how to treat cats with PTSD.
Learn how to start catexploring with maplethemews. Find out where to begin and how to understand your cat’s boundaries.
Did you know that you can take your cat on a boat? Rigby shows that you. Actually she not only goes on a boat, she also lives on a boat. Hear how you can train your cat to go on a boat with you and the safety steps to take.
Missing the Catexplorer Podcast?
Don’t fret, Season 3 is starting on the 5th August!
O.G. is an amazing hiking cat who loves travelling in the car. We chat with his humans about training O.G., taking a cat camping and introducing a dog sibling into the family.
Anneke van den Broek is the founder of the pet brand Rufus & Coco. She is also one of Australia’s 50 most influential female entrepreneurs. In this wide ranging conversation, she shares her tops on how we can protect our cats in the outdoors, how to find cat friendly rental properties and how to groom your cat.
Russ is a kitty who has travelled through 17 states of the US and also been overseas. Russ’ mum, Kat, shares her tips on how to fly in a plane with your cat, how to go on a road trip with your cat, find cat friendly locations and how to pack when travelling with a cat.
The sad reality is that our pets will not be here forever. At some point will have to grieve for them. We talk about how to grieve for our pets, the steps that may help us and how to support our friends and family (online and in real life) when they are grieving for their pets.
It’s amazing when a mid-life crisis results in something beautiful. This is exactly what happened to Rich, who packed up his life to van around Australia with his cat, Willow. Rich shares how he did this, the amazing experiences he has had and the lessons he has learned (that you can use!)
Clara Lee has already achieved so much. She set up the Hopkins Belize Humane Society, which has been instrumental in not only spaying & neutering animals in Belize, but also educating the locals about animal health and welfare. She is also an inspiring human being, who has found a beautiful way to grieve her late husband – by training her cat to be a therapy cat, to comfort others who are in the same position as her late husband. In this episode, Clara Lee shares about her amazing journey and experiences and her thought process.
We have lost track of the number of times Mike & Lily have been mentioned on the Catexplorer Podcast. Their mum, Stephanie, shares how they started catexploring at an older age, how they try new things like kayaking, SUPing, hiking and so much more. They show us that older kitties can learn new tricks – even the ones that some humans can’t do.
Sometimes, we bring our kitties into our lives to save them. But then they save us. That is exactly what Monk & Bean did for their mum, Nicole. Monk is known as a vampire cat and Bean is a cuddly kitty. When you dig deeper you hear about the amazing impact they have had on their mum. They have helped her managed her depression. And she in turn entertains us with their antics and personalities.
Have you been missing your weekly Catexplorer Podcast episode?
Don’t fret! The new season starts on the 6th May 2019!
We got some exciting guests coming up, sharing all about catexploring, tips you can use with your cat, ideas about looking after our cats and even about how they overcame some of their personal struggles.
We’re so excited for you to hear from them!
Find out where you can take your cat on a leash in an urban environment. Julie from Cats Going Places shares the shops & cafes that she takes her cat to, and how she finds cat friendly shops and cafes. She also takes us through her checklist on the stores she visits with her cat. We also chat about handling interactions with dogs as well as people and your cat while out and about.
Raw cat food can seem really confusing, especially when you want to make it at home. Eileen & Mallory from Wildernesscat shares why we should consider feeding our cats raw, and how we can easily make it at home. They speak about the commercial cat food options and how you can make it all on your own. And they highlight that raw feeding your cat is not hard – it is actually easy!
Learn some techniques on how to improve your photography skills, especially when photographing your cat. We hear about some simple techniques that can help compose that amazing photo and how to utilise the technology you have at home to get that perfect picture of your kitty.
Sushi’s Mums share how he explores New York and the cat friendly locations and accommodation he goes to. We learn how they trained him to ride in his stroller, the challenges they have had and how they overcome them and we laugh at the funny moments like when he was mistaken for a dog!
This is a story about overcoming adversity and the amazing roles our animals play in our lives. As a veteran, Stephen learnt to manage his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) using Adventure Therapy. Hear how his service dog, Puppi, helped him manage is PTSD and how his cat Burma helped him see the positives in life. An inspiring story that continually left us speechless and in awe.
Listen to all the challenges Roxy has faced while learning to walk on a leash and how she overcame them to be the catexplorer she is today. We also learn about how each of us can play a part in changing other kitties’ lives for the better.
Julie from Cat School takes us through how training your cat will help enrich their lives. We learn about different training techniques like clicker training, and how to use these while walking our cats on a harness and leash.
Wobbly cat syndrome (otherwise known as cerebellar hypoplasia) and FIV doesn’t mean a cat can’t enjoy life. Sophie shows that having CH actually makes her an amazing candidate to be a cat who walks on a leash. Sassy lives an incredible life with FIV. Sophie & Sassy are just 2 members of the Kitty Cat Chronicles team. Listen to how the gang goes exploring on hikes, in boats, in cars and even in planes.